A Pratt library card grants you access to databases for all ages! Search articles and documents in journals, newspapers, and online archives. Some databases require a library card, which is available to anybody who lives in Maryland. Most databases are also available online from home, though some are only available in a Pratt Library. Please note that some browser privacy tools and ad blockers can interfere with authentication. Contact a librarian if you need assistance accessing the databases.
Academic Journals & Publications
Gale Academic OneFile Select brings you the full text of publications from across disciplines, including vocational titles.
Academic Journals & Publications
Gale Academic OneFile Select
Gale Academic OneFile Select brings you the full text of publications from across disciplines, including vocational titles.
Academic Reference Resources
Explore the Gale eBooks platform for multidisciplinary research. Featuring: Business Plans Handbook.
Academic Reference Resources
Gale eBooks
Explore the Gale eBooks platform for multidisciplinary research. Featuring: Business Plans Handbook.
African American Studies Center (Oxford)
Discover more than 10,000 articles, maps, and multimedia resources from top scholars in the fields of African American and African history and culture.
African American Studies Center (Oxford)
Oxford African American Studies Center
Discover more than 10,000 articles, maps, and multimedia resources from top scholars in the fields of African American and African history and culture.
African-American History
This electronic encyclopedia includes thousands of entries covering the entire breadth of African-American history.
African-American History
This electronic encyclopedia includes thousands of entries covering the entire breadth of African-American history.
Alternative & Independent Publications
Alt-PressWatch gives you access to full-text newspapers and magazines from alternative, independent presses.
Alternative & Independent Publications
Alt-Press Watch
Alt-PressWatch gives you access to full-text newspapers and magazines from alternative, independent presses.
Ancestry Library Edition
Browse a wide range of unique resources for genealogical and historical research.
Ancestry Library Edition
Browse a wide range of unique resources for genealogical and historical research.
Baltimore Banner
Stay up to date with local news, politics, business, entertainment, and more from nonprofit paper The Baltimore Banner.
Baltimore Banner
Baltimore Banner
Stay up to date with local news, politics, business, entertainment, and more from nonprofit paper The Baltimore Banner.
Baltimore Sun
Enjoy free online access to the Baltimore Sun in Pratt Library locations or at home with your Pratt Library card. Stay up-to-date with breaking news, weather, sports, and more.
Baltimore Sun
Enjoy free online access to the Baltimore Sun in Pratt Library locations or at home with your Pratt Library card. Stay up-to-date with breaking news, weather, sports, and more.
Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta
Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta is a comprehensive Spanish-language reference tool for upper-level students.
Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta
Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta is a comprehensive Spanish-language reference tool for upper-level students.
Black Freedom in the U.S.
Black Freedom Struggle in the United States is a database featuring select primary source documents related to critical people and events in African American history.
Black Freedom in the U.S.
Black Freedom Struggle in the United States is a database featuring select primary source documents related to critical people and events in African American history.
Black Newspaper Archives
Search a range of current and historical Black newspaper archives. Powered by ProQuest.
Black Newspaper Archives
Search a range of current and historical Black newspaper archives. Powered by ProQuest.
Book Recommendations
Books & Authors is a tool designed to connect readers with fiction and non-fiction titles based on their interests.
Book Recommendations
Books & Authors
Books & Authors is a tool designed to connect readers with fiction and non-fiction titles based on their interests.
BookFlix pairs an animated story with a nonfiction eBook for a truly unique interactive reading experience.
BookFlix pairs an animated story with a nonfiction eBook for a truly unique interactive reading experience.
Business & Company Information
Business Insights: Global provides detailed information for domestic and international companies and associations.
Business & Company Information
Business Insights: Global
Business Insights: Global provides detailed information for domestic and international companies and associations.
Business & White Pages Information
Build a mailing list and browse databases with millions of business, health care, and residential addresses and phone numbers.
Business & White Pages Information
Reference Solution - DataAxle (Formerly ReferenceUSA)
Build a mailing list and browse databases with millions of business, health care, and residential addresses and phone numbers.
Career & School Test Preparation
Prepare for academic, civil service, military, and professional licensing and certification exams with test preparation materials and interactive practice exams.
Career & School Test Preparation
Learning Express Library
Prepare for academic, civil service, military, and professional licensing and certification exams with test preparation materials and interactive practice exams.
Civil Rights & Liberties
Browse collections of resources related to civil rights and liberties including books and scholarly articles, reports, and more.
Civil Rights & Liberties
Browse collections of resources related to civil rights and liberties including books and scholarly articles, reports, and more.
Credo Reference
Start your research with millions of online full-text and subject-specific reference books, articles, images, audio files, and videos covering over 11,000 topics.
Credo Reference
Start your research with millions of online full-text and subject-specific reference books, articles, images, audio files, and videos covering over 11,000 topics.
Current & Historical Newspaper Archives
Search a database of current newspapers ranging from major US papers to daily regional papers.
Current & Historical Newspaper Archives
Search a database of current newspapers ranging from major US papers to daily regional papers.
Digital Maryland
Browse digital versions of rare and unique materials, including historical maps, photos, and manuscripts.
Digital Maryland
Browse digital versions of rare and unique materials, including historical maps, photos, and manuscripts.
Educational Resources for High School
Explore topics within business and economics, geography, government, history, literature, science and health, social issues, and more with Gale In Context: High School.
Educational Resources for High School
Gale In Context: High School
Explore topics within business and economics, geography, government, history, literature, science and health, social issues, and more with Gale In Context: High School.
Educational Resources for Kids
A reference material just for young learners, Gale In Context: Elementary contains content in many popular subject categories.
Educational Resources for Kids
Gale In Context: Elementary
A reference material just for young learners, Gale In Context: Elementary contains content in many popular subject categories.
Educational Resources for Middle School
Find reference content with videos, newspapers, magazines, primary sources, and much more with Gale In Context: Middle School.
Educational Resources for Middle School
Gale In Context: Middle School
Find reference content with videos, newspapers, magazines, primary sources, and much more with Gale In Context: Middle School.
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos
World Book’s excellent editorial content, rich media, and interactive features in Spanish.
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos
World Book’s excellent editorial content, rich media, and interactive features in Spanish.
Foundation Directory Online
Search over 242,000 foundations, corporate giving programs, and grantmaking public charities in the U.S.
Foundation Directory Online
Search over 242,000 foundations, corporate giving programs, and grantmaking public charities in the U.S.
Foundation Maps
Utilize an interactive mapping platform with data on millions of grants, explore activity in the field, and discover new partners for collaboration.
Foundation Maps
Utilize an interactive mapping platform with data on millions of grants, explore activity in the field, and discover new partners for collaboration.
Full Text Academic Journals
JSTOR is an online archive of academic journals and primary sources covering a wide range of topics.
Full Text Academic Journals
JSTOR is an online archive of academic journals and primary sources covering a wide range of topics.
Gale Business: Entrepreneurship
Learn how to start, finance, or manage your small business with sample business plans, how-to guides, articles, and more.
Gale Business: Entrepreneurship
Learn how to start, finance, or manage your small business with sample business plans, how-to guides, articles, and more.
General Reference Articles & Periodicals
General OneFile provides access to thousands of periodicals, newspapers, reference books, images, and videos.
General Reference Articles & Periodicals
Gale General OneFile
General OneFile provides access to thousands of periodicals, newspapers, reference books, images, and videos.
Historical Census Data
HeritageQuest Online contains essential collections of genealogical and historical sources with coverage dating back to the 1700s.
Historical Census Data
HeritageQuest Online contains essential collections of genealogical and historical sources with coverage dating back to the 1700s.
History Research Primary Resources
Find primary resources in the Defining Documents of American History Series as well as the Decades Series covering American History from the 1950’s though the 1990’s.
History Research Primary Resources
Salem Press Online
Find primary resources in the Defining Documents of American History Series as well as the Decades Series covering American History from the 1950’s though the 1990’s.
Job Coaching
JobNow, powered by BrainFuse, is designed to support every step of the job search process.
Job Coaching
JobNow, powered by BrainFuse, is designed to support every step of the job search process.
Learn a Language
Mango Languages offers 71 language courses including Latin American Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese and French.
Learn a Language
Mango Languages
Mango Languages offers 71 language courses including Latin American Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese and French.
Literary Information
An integrated research experience, Gale Literature brings together literary databases in a new digital environment.
Literary Information
Literary Sources
An integrated research experience, Gale Literature brings together literary databases in a new digital environment.
Maryland & DC Sanborn Maps
Browse a selection of Maryland and Washington DC Sanborn Maps from 1890 - 1953.
Maryland & DC Sanborn Maps
Sanborn Maps
Browse a selection of Maryland and Washington DC Sanborn Maps from 1890 - 1953.
Maryland Government Documents
Browse a collection of documents from all State agencies covering subjects of interest to consumers and researchers alike.
Maryland Government Documents
Browse a collection of documents from all State agencies covering subjects of interest to consumers and researchers alike.
Maryland Legal Forms
Find a wide selection of legal forms on topics like real estate contracts, wills, premarital agreements and divorce appropriate for use in Maryland.
Maryland Legal Forms
Legal Forms
Find a wide selection of legal forms on topics like real estate contracts, wills, premarital agreements and divorce appropriate for use in Maryland.
Maryland Newspaper Archives
Search current and historical Maryland newspapers, including over 100 years of the Baltimore Sun and Baltimore Afro-American. Powered by ProQuest.
Maryland Newspaper Archives
Search current and historical Maryland newspapers, including over 100 years of the Baltimore Sun and Baltimore Afro-American. Powered by ProQuest.
Mergent Business Databases
Find information on thousands of public companies, company histories, business descriptions, and in-depth financial statements.
Mergent Business Databases
Find information on thousands of public companies, company histories, business descriptions, and in-depth financial statements.
Military Records
Fold3 provides convenient access to military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents.
Military Records
Fold3 Library Edition
Fold3 provides convenient access to military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents.
Morningstar Investment Research Center
Research reliable financial information online and find analysis on thousands of stocks, mutual funds, and exchange traded funds.
Morningstar Investment Research Center
Research reliable financial information online and find analysis on thousands of stocks, mutual funds, and exchange traded funds.
National Geographic for Kids
Explore amazing adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space with this database for children ages 6 through 14.
National Geographic for Kids
Explore amazing adventures in science, nature, culture, archaeology, and space with this database for children ages 6 through 14.
National Geographic Virtual Library
Browse a complete archive of National Geographic magazine along with a cross-searchable collection of books, maps, images, and videos.
National Geographic Virtual Library
Browse a complete archive of National Geographic magazine along with a cross-searchable collection of books, maps, images, and videos.
Nature is a British weekly scientific journal featuring peer-reviewed research from a variety of academic disciplines, mainly in science and technology.
Nature Magazine
Nature is a British weekly scientific journal featuring peer-reviewed research from a variety of academic disciplines, mainly in science and technology.
Nonprofit Resources
Resources for nonprofit groups on grant writing, social entrepreneurship, equity, and more.
Nonprofit Resources
Resources for nonprofit groups on grant writing, social entrepreneurship, equity, and more.
One on One Homework Help & Tutoring
With HelpNow, you’re just a click away from expert tutors, one-on-one homework help, skills building, and a 24 hour writing lab.
One on One Homework Help & Tutoring
With HelpNow, you’re just a click away from expert tutors, one-on-one homework help, skills building, and a 24 hour writing lab.
Online Courses with Udemy
Learn and improve skills across business, tech, design, and other interests with on-demand video courses from Udemy.
Online Courses with Udemy
Learn and improve skills across business, tech, design, and other interests with on-demand video courses from Udemy.
Periodical Finder & Directory
Find out what newspapers, magazines, and academic journals the Pratt Library offers in the Pratt Magazine & Newspaper Finder.
Periodical Finder & Directory
Find out what newspapers, magazines, and academic journals the Pratt Library offers in the Pratt Magazine & Newspaper Finder.
Personal & Professional Improvement Classes
Gale Courses includes classes taught by experts on management, computers and technology, hobbies, writing, health, and more.
Personal & Professional Improvement Classes
Gale Courses
Gale Courses includes classes taught by experts on management, computers and technology, hobbies, writing, health, and more.
Peterson's Test & Career Prep
Sharpen your skills with standardized test preparation, personalized career assessments, resume editing tools, and more.
Peterson's Test & Career Prep
Sharpen your skills with standardized test preparation, personalized career assessments, resume editing tools, and more.
Browse and read current issues of over 7,000 magazines and newspapers, including Newsweek and The Economist.
Browse and read current issues of over 7,000 magazines and newspapers, including Newsweek and The Economist.
Scholastic Teachables
Find high quality content and age-appropriate learning tools for students in grades K–6.
Scholastic Teachables
Find high quality content and age-appropriate learning tools for students in grades K–6.
Slavery and Anti-Slavery: Primary Resources
Research, study, and discover endless teaching possibilities on understanding slavery from a multinational perspective.
Slavery and Anti-Slavery: Primary Resources
Research, study, and discover endless teaching possibilities on understanding slavery from a multinational perspective.
Standard & Poor’s Company Information
Use this database to find detailed information on private companies, industries, mutual funds, NAICS code searching, and more.
Standard & Poor’s Company Information
Use this database to find detailed information on private companies, industries, mutual funds, NAICS code searching, and more.
Value Line Investment Information
Value Line provides investors with the most accurate and independently created research to help meet their financial objectives.
Value Line Investment Information
Value Line provides investors with the most accurate and independently created research to help meet their financial objectives.
Watch & Learn Library
Browse a library of over 230 educational videos for young learners in grades PreK–3.
Watch & Learn Library
Browse a library of over 230 educational videos for young learners in grades PreK–3.
World Book Advanced
World Book Advance is a comprehensive suite of learning resources designed for all ages and abilities with articles, videos, research guides, and more.
World Book Advanced
World Book Advance is a comprehensive suite of learning resources designed for all ages and abilities with articles, videos, research guides, and more.
World Book for Students
World Book Student features assessment tools for educators, dedicated resource guides, and detailed timelines.
World Book for Students
World Book Student features assessment tools for educators, dedicated resource guides, and detailed timelines.
World Book Online For Kids
Find easy-to-read articles and a wealth of engaging multimedia, games, science projects, and more for young students.
World Book Online For Kids
Find easy-to-read articles and a wealth of engaging multimedia, games, science projects, and more for young students.