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Each year, bright yellow salt boxes are distributed throughout the city to help Baltimoreans treat streets and sidewalks in the snow and ice. In December 2020, some boxes received a makeover after local artist Juliet Ames noticed a box with no letters on it. Dozens of other artists have now added creative flair to salt boxes around the city.

This exhibit, on display beginning January 15 on the second floor of the Central Library, showcases a photo collection of salt boxes across the city. You can also browse the collection online at Digital Maryland.

Salt Box exhibit - people looking at display windows in a wall case showing various cutouts of salt box designs
Salt Box - 3 display windows in a wall case showing various cutouts of salt box designs
Salt Box - oversized Baltimore City salt box in the library hallway, with City emblem
Salt Box - My Salty Detetcor Is Off the Charts - spiderman reference
Salt Box - a rebus puzzle design and three more small representations of decorated salt boxes
Salt Box - Ouija board and Natty Bro snow art
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Digital Maryland

Digital Maryland provides online access to digital versions of rare and unique materials, including historical maps, photographs, reports, books, manuscripts, and artwork.

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Maryland Department

The Maryland Department is a great first stop for researching any topic that is related to Maryland or the people, places and events that have occurred in the state.