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Location Closure The Forest Park, Washington Village, & Brooklyn branches are closed for renovations. Learn more here.

The Pratt is committed to providing the programs and services our communities want and need with a greater eye towards community engagement and feedback. As part of our Strategic Plan, we will evaluate programs and partnerships to ensure we are delivering the highest quality services and resources. This includes a comprehensive, system-wide initiative that engages every department in a collective endeavor to inform and improve the creation and delivery of culturally responsive programming supported by the Office of Equity and Fair Practices (OEFP) and Programs and Outreach (PAO) teams.

Diversity and Inclusion in Programming

The Library will provide transformative and comprehensive programs to the community, ensuring inclusive and equitable access and participation for all individuals and neighborhoods.


  • Explore Options of Programs & Services in Languages Other than English
  • Expand Marketing Strategies to Reach a Diverse Community
  • Consider Accessibility Needs Through the Accessibility/Inclusion Plan
accessibility station computer with high visibility text, speech, and foreign language options
a graduate receiving her diploma from Career Online High School at Pratt Library

Community Engagement and Feedback Mechanisms

The Library will continuously engage the community and improve feedback and data-gathering mechanisms


  • Develop Frameworks for Data-Informed Decision-Making
  • Revise & Re-Implement Post-Program Surveys
  • Utilize Data from Various Sources to Inform Program Placement
  • Develop Intentional Programming Regarding Content Creation

community program with a group of men speaking on stage
customer testimonials in heart shaped quotes

Program Evaluation and Improvement

The Library will evaluate program success utilizing data collection and measurement protocols and applying them to a data-driven decision-making process to implement responsive programs and services to meet needs.


  • Analyze Data to Identify Success, Gaps, and Opportunity to Improve
  • Focus on Continuous Revisions of Key Performance Indicators
DEI dashboard - community demograhics screen snapshot
DEI dashboard equitable programming outreach scren snapshot

Partnerships and Collaboration

The Library will maintain, grow, and evaluate a robust network of partners to extend capacity and complement services offered in library facilities.


  • Identify Appropriate Team Members for Conversations on Partnerships
  • Develop Standard MOU Process for Partnerships
administrative partnerships - staff talking with the with artist in residence
people entering Central Library
Strategic Plan
Learn More
Enoch Pratt Free Library - entrance arch at the Central Library

Strategic Plan

The mission of the Enoch Pratt Free Library is to empower, enrich, and enhance the quality of life for all through equitable access to information, services, and opportunity for all, rich and poor, without distinction of race or color.

Social Impact Programs
More Information
Healthcare in the Library - nurses taking blood pressure at a Central Library  table

Social Impact Programs

Community members can get free assistance from lawyers, social workers, nurses, recovery specialists, and more in Pratt locations.