Government Documents
Maryland State Documents
The Central Library of the Enoch Pratt Free Library / State Library Resource Center manages the State Publications Depository and Distribution Program, as mandated by the Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article, 23-301. We collect documents from all State agencies covering subjects of interest to consumers and researchers alike.
For access to electronic state publications and additional information on the State Publications Depository and Distribution Program, visit the Maryland State Documents website. Print publications are located in the Maryland Department at the Central Library. As of March 2019, over 17,000 State government publications have been made available through the State Publications Depository and Distribution Program Website.

U. S. Government Documents
In 1887, the Enoch Pratt Free Library was designated a Federal Depository Library for the Seventh Congressional District. As a designated selective federal depository, the Library’s mission is to provide free and ready access to government publications to the general public who live, work and study in the City of Baltimore, surrounding counties, and the State of Maryland.

The Documents Unit supports this mission by managing the acquisition of federal documents and by providing reference assistance. The Central Library has provided the public with free and easy access to over 800,000 federal documents as a selective depository in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). Most federal documents can be located in the Pratt catalog as well as in the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications, and GovInfo. Please contact us for additional assistance.

Maryland Department
The Maryland Department is a comprehensive collection of materials related to the state of Maryland.

Social Science & History Department
Find materials to help you whether you’re looking for a historic map, investigating true crime, or researching federal law.