Rights & Permissions
The Enoch Pratt Free Library/State Library Resource Center offers rights and permission services to many of the materials in its collections. To inquire about copyright status and image permissions please fill out the Permissions Request form.
Once we receive the request please allow two business days for us to respond. If the copyright is owned by the Library you will receive a permission form and invoice that includes any relevant fees and the Library's Conditions for Use. Signing and returning this form indicates that you agree to follow the Enoch Pratt Free Library’s Conditions for Use. Payment of all applicable fees must be received before orders are processed.
Enoch Pratt Free Library does not require that researchers request permission to quote from or publish materials that are in the public domain, or for which the Pratt does not own the copyright. We do ask that researchers identify and cite specific item information when publishing images or quoting from materials held by the Library. If you are unsure of the copyright status of an item please fill out the form. Though it is ultimately the responsibility of the researcher to confirm the identity of the copyright holder (if there is one) and obtain necessary permissions, the Pratt can assist with this process.
Turnaround time for original scanning or digital photography is two to four weeks from receipt of prepayment. For orders of existing images it is one to two weeks. The standard image provided is a 600 ppi TIF file; however resolutions may vary depending on the size of the original. Resolution will never be less than 300 ppi. Delivery will be made by email.
If at any time you need help with this process, you can call the Special Collections Department at (443) 984-2451.

Copy & Printing Services
With your Enoch Pratt Free Library card, you have access to printing, copying, scanning, and fax services.