Research your family history, get homework help, read current newspapers, and more with Pratt Library research resources. Browse subject guides, databases, and digital collections or chat with a librarian to get started. A Pratt Library Card is required to access many of our databases.
Featured Databases

Nature is a British weekly scientific journal featuring peer-reviewed research from a variety of academic disciplines, mainly in science and technology.

Black Newspaper Archives
Search a range of current and historical Black newspaper archives. Powered by ProQuest.

Baltimore Banner
Stay up to date with local news, politics, business, entertainment, and more from nonprofit paper The Baltimore Banner.

Baltimore Sun
Enjoy free online access to the Baltimore Sun in Pratt Library locations or at home with your Pratt Library card. Stay up-to-date with breaking news, weather, sports, and more.
Featured Research Guides

Job Seeker's Toolkit
Looking for a job in Baltimore? This toolkit is designed to support job-seekers and those who assist job-seekers.

Early Maryland History
Find resources and guidance for researching early Maryland history from the Colonial through the Antebellum periods.

Genealogy & Family History Research
Research your family history and genealogy with extensive resources, both in person and online.

Evaluating Old Books
Ever wonder how much your old books are worth? The Humanities Collections has resources to help you find out.
Got a Question? Ask a Librarian!
During Pratt Library hours you can live chat with a librarian. Prefer to talk on the phone? Call (410) 396-5430 for answers to reference questions.
Chat with a LibrarianDigital Maryland Collections
Providing online access to digital versions of rare and unique materials, including historical maps, photographs, reports, books, manuscripts, artwork, and other media. To view more digital collections from libraries, museums, archives, and other institutions throughout Maryland, visit Digital Maryland.
View the CollectionCentral Library Departments
Find librarian expertise, books, media, microfilm, and more in Central Library Departments. Explore Departments related to subjects from Maryland history and fine arts to job seeking and teen resources.
View the Departments