Unemployment Services & Resources in Maryland
Has your employment been affected by COVID-19? This guide will help displaced workers apply for Unemployment Insurance and other benefits.
Unemployment Insurance For Individuals
If your employer shuts down operations, lays off employees, or reduces hours due to COVID-19, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits.
Unemployment insurance is for individuals who are unemployed or working reduced hours due to no fault of their own; however, you must file a claim to confirm eligibility for benefits.
Learn more about unemployment insurance in Maryland with the following links from the Maryland Department of Labor.
- Maryland Division of Unemployment Insurance
- Frequently Asked Questions About COVID-19 and Maryland Unemployment Insurance
- General Claimant FAQs
Expansion of Benefits under the CARES Act
The federal government recently passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), which includes an expansion of unemployment insurance benefits through three programs:
- Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) adds $600 per week on top of regular UI benefits, effective March 29th, 2020 through July 31, 2020.
- Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) extends UI benefits by 13 weeks, including the $600 of FPUC.
- Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) extends benefits to individuals who are not usually eligible, including the self-employed, independent contractors, and gig workers.
For more information about eligibility for these programs and the CARES Act, read the Frequently Asked Questions page from the Maryland Department of Labor.
File a Claim Online
You can file for unemployment benefits through Maryland's Unemployment Insurance Initial Claim System using a NetClaims application. To be eligible for benefits, you must make a minimum of three (3) valid job contacts per week, unless you are exempt from work search.
You can contact a Claim Center from 7:30 am – 3:30 pm by calling (410) 949-0022. Please note The Division of Unemployment Insurance is experiencing a high volume of calls resulting in longer than usual wait times. To report problems placing a call or accessing the website, email ui.inquiry@maryland.gov.
Maintaining Benefits
You must register with Maryland Workforce Exchange and upload or create a current resume to maintain eligibility for benefits. For help writing a resume, check the Job Seeker’s Toolkit.
You must submit weekly claims to maintain unemployment insurance benefits. Due to the declared state of emergency, the Maryland Secretary of Labor has ordered a ten week exemption from the requirement that claimants search for work every week to receive benefits. However, claimants are encouraged to complete Reemployment Activities through the Maryland Workforce Exchange. For more information, see the Maryland Department of Labor's FAQs.
Searching for Work
Many companies are still hiring at this time.
- The Now Hiring COVID-19 Job Board lists recent job postings from local employers, shared by the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development.
- The Upcoming Recruitments and Job Fairs page from the Maryland Department of Labor lists companies that are actively recruiting across Maryland.
- For resources to assist in your job search, including a list of recommended job board websites, visit the Job Seeker’s Toolkit.
Resume & Career Help Online
While the Enoch Pratt Free Library is closed, you can receive resume and career help via email. If you have questions about your resume, cover letter, or job search resource, please email job@prattlibrary.org. If you are asking for feedback on your resume or a cover letter, please include the following information:
- Resume or cover letter attached as PDF or Word document
- Information about the type of job you’re applying for or specific job ad
- Any specific questions you have
Inquiries will be answered in the order in which they’re received. Due to limited staff and uncertain demand, we can not guarantee a response time.
Brainfuse Adult Learning Center
Find resources and get feedback on your resume or cover letter through HelpNow, an online service powered by Brainfuse. You must have a library card to use this service.
Other Benefits & Services
There are multiple agencies and websites to help you identify which government benefits you may be eligible for, and how to apply for them.
Maryland Department of Human Resources
Search for and apply for benefits on myDHR. Benefits available through DHR include:
- Food Supplement Program (FS)/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)(formerly called Food Stamps)
- Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)/Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
Note: As of March 16, 2020, TCA applicants and recipients impacted by COVID-19 may be provided with good cause for not completing assigned work requirements. This is effective as long as the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) directs Maryland schools to be closed unless otherwise stated.
- Temporary Disability Assistance Program (TDAP)
- Medical Assistance (MA)
- Maryland Energy Assistance Program (MEAP)
- Electric Universal Service Program (EUSP)
2-1-1 Maryland
Call 2-1-1, text your zip code to 898-211, or visit 211md.org to get connected with health and human services across Maryland, including:
Federal Agencies
Find information and eligibility requirements for government benefits and services through benefits.gov, the official benefits website of the U.S. Government. This online resource is managed by the U.S. Department of Labor with collaboration from multiple partner agencies.
Find benefit information and resources for:

Job Seeker's Toolkit
Looking for a job in Baltimore? This toolkit is designed to support job-seekers and those who assist job-seekers.

Job Coaching
JobNow supports you along every step of the job search process, from interview prep and resume help to online coaching.
If you would like to know more, try our Live Chat with a Librarian service, or contact us.