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Location Closure The Forest Park, Washington Village, & Brooklyn branches are closed for renovations. Learn more here.

staff preparing books on hold and answering phones at the Roland Park branch

Staff inside preparing books on hold for pick-ups

happy customer picking up Pratt Library materials in a bag, with staff outside

On the sidewalk outside with a bag of picked-up library materials

Books and materials can be returned to the book drops available outside or the circulation desk at any Pratt location.

Material Pickup & Return
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checkout at Hampden branch, with a customer wearing a mask and a library card being handed over

Material Pickup & Return

Learn how to pick up and return books, DVDs, and more at Pratt Library locations.

Computer & Internet Devices
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computer and internet devices - mobile hotspot with WiFi and Chromebook laptop

Computer & Internet Devices

With a Pratt Library card, you can borrow a Chromebook and mobile hotspot with WiFi to get online from the comfort of your home.