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Announcement The Herring Run Branch will reopen with limited hours on Monday, December 23.

Location Closure The Forest Park, Washington Village, Herring Run, & Brooklyn branches are closed for renovations. Learn more here.

Holiday Closing All Pratt Library locations will be closed early Tuesday, December 24 at 5 pm, and closed Wednesday, December 25 in observance of Christmas Day.

staff preparing books on hold and answering phones at the Roland Park branch

Staff inside preparing books on hold for pick-ups

happy customer picking up Pratt Library materials in a bag, with staff outside

On the sidewalk outside with a bag of picked-up library materials

Books and materials can be returned to the book drops available outside or the circulation desk at any Pratt location.

Material Pickup & Return
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checkout at Hampden branch, with a customer wearing a mask and a library card being handed over

Material Pickup & Return

Learn how to pick up and return books, DVDs, and more at Pratt Library locations.

Computer & Internet Devices
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computer and internet devices - mobile hotspot with WiFi and Chromebook laptop

Computer & Internet Devices

With a Pratt Library card, you can borrow a Chromebook and mobile hotspot with WiFi to get online from the comfort of your home.